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Bartholomaeus Bigheart

Warforged monk. Raised by a family of halfling cobblers after having his memory wiped. They made sure he was capable of living a normal life, before sending him to a monastery where he became a monk.

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Kai Delecor

High Elf Celestial Warlock. A sweet 9 year old boy who left his home in search of adventure in the real world. this little boy causes trouble wherever he goes, but to his luck there’s a demon inside him that’ll always protect him (even if Kai doesn’t know it).

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An Elvin cleric pledged to the peaceful goddess Eldath. She spends her life trying to give back while putting the high in high elf. She is starting to shows signs of her age, which isn’t a common sight considering her elvish ancestry.

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Solaire Courland

Once a soldier and now a vagabond, Solaire is used to living a rough and tough life. He’s had a troubled past and plans to redeem his mistakes or die trying.

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Raised as an indifferent historian in the Monastery, Gerry was given a spiritual assignment as a young teenager that led him to a unique understanding of uncommon cultures.