2 minute read

An exhausting week after the long weekend and a lot of moving/unpacking.

Acxiom Internship

Last week was pretty exciting! We started off the week with Memorial Day off and then ended the week with a party. Throughout the week I focused a lot more on training than I did the previous week. I began to learn from my coworkers what I was going to be doing, and learned a lot about the systems. While most meetings were through Zoom, I had a couple meetings in person. These were honestly my favorite ones. Meetings were primarily to help me get situated in using all of the software and making sure I had access to everything, but it also was to get an overview of my team’s work and to actually shadow someone doing their work.

Now, as I previously mentioned, at the end of the week there was a party! The Welcome Back Celebration was an amazing event where a lot of Acxiom employees ate outside, played games, and won prizes. Some of us interns decided to meet up with each other and eat together while we were there. It was great. We talked a lot with the people around us and even ended up meeting the CEO of Acxiom, AKA Chad, and talking to him for a while. He was honestly a really down-to-earth person to talk to and was genuinely interested in what we were all doing; he also wanted to make sure that we knew about the resources we had available for any training/learning outside of our primary work.

This week will be a lot more work. On Monday, today, there are a lot of meetings and I will most likely be shadowing people a lot. In my down time, however, I will continue to use the company’s resources to learn more about various topics that I will most likely use. This past week those topics included Unix and SQL, and I’m sure that I will be learn more about these topics, but I plan to include other topics as well.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Go to a lot of meetings
  • Shadow coworkers
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Create a logo for my blog (Might be done? Unsure)
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • Memorial Day was Monday (No Work)
  • Learned a lot about my job
  • Lots of meetings
  • Welcome Back Celebration
  • Met Chad (CEO)