3 minute read

Last week I was on Daytime support, and it went well. There were a few problems, but a coworker helped me out and made sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Also, we were missing a file all week, I sent two emails and got no response so we had to escalate it to other people. There wasn’t too much work to be done this past week besides that, but I kept busy.

Touch Base with Manager

I had my first Touch base with my manager! This went incredibly well. He wanted to know that I was getting everything I wanted out of the internship. Some questions he asked was if I had everything I needed, if I was getting too much or too little work, and if I was learning the systems well. The truth was that I put in a request for two monitors and a docking station so that I could work from home when I wanted, and I was waiting on people to teach me more things, so I told him such. He told me to talk to the guy on my floor in charge of the tech and that he would talk to the person I was waiting on. The tech then got put into my truck within 30 minutes of asking and my coworker messaged me about setting up a meeting the next day. Now I can work from home easier and I will be brought onto some new projects/finally start on some projects I’ve been waiting to start.

Impromptu Internship Interview

Last week one of my fellow interns messaged me to see if I was free at a certain time that day; this was for an intern interview video because someone was sick and couldn’t make it. I luckily was available, so they gave me some questions to mentally prepare me and told me where to meet them for it. When I arrived to the set, we talked a bit as they set everything up and then I sat down and they started asking questions. Overall, they were very impressed by my answers. We all enjoyed it and I even gave some joke answers for the outtakes.

Impressing Coworkers

Right now, this internship is going extremely well. One of the processes that I was working I partially automated. The two steps I automated went from taking 30 minutes with extreme supervision down to 7 seconds. My supervisor was so impressed with this that she send an email to my manager and cc’d some other coworkers about it. Also, I was given feedback from the person in charge of the intern video saying that they really appreciated me stepping up.

Overall, this internship is going well so far. I am really enjoying the work and the challenge. People at Acxiom are extremely welcoming and ready to help at all times. Also, made an Acxiom D&D group on Slack. Hopefully I will be able to balance everything once school starts back up.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Go to a lot of meetings
  • Shadow coworkers
  • Improve and Develop New Solutions
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Create a logo for my blog (Might be done? Unsure)
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.
  • Make a D&D website for my current D&D campaign


  • Daytime Support went well
  • I have a work from home station
  • I had a Touch Base with my Manager
  • There was an internship video that I was asked to be a part of and it went well
  • One of my automations shortened a manual 30 min process to 7 seconds
  • There is now an Acxiom D&D Slack channel