1 minute read

This past week was full of a lot of research as I prepared to be in a meeting for starting back off the Git project. Some of my time was spent on working on a test version for the website project. Also disaster strikes as I run into an error that I was not getting previously on my automation!

Git Meeting

The Git meeting was very insightful. We worked together to create steps for what we need to do in order to start using Git for sharing files/version control. It turns out that one of our hurdles we first need to get through is a firewall block that is stopping us from using Git on the remote server. There is now a ticket for that open for the issue to be fixed though. On Wednesday it should be fixed and I should be able to jump into the project as the lead.

Test Version of Website

I started working on a test version of the website that some people on my team will use once it is complete. This should eliminate using emails back and forth for a simple process they need to do.

Automation Error

When running an automation process that I run every week on Thursdays I ran into a big problem. The rows of data were not being inputted into the final table. After a lot of time messing around, my supervisor and I found ways to improve the code and then found an issue. It all came down to a single ` being in slightly the wrong place.

After all this was said and done, it ran smoothly and I am now ready to take on this week.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Start Git Project
  • Shadow coworkers
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • I worked on a test version of the website project.
  • Had the Git meeting
  • Discovered a firewall issue and submitted a ticket
  • Caught one of my automated processes breaking.