2 minute read

Things were a lot more about doing what I was interested in this past week, so I kept myself busy however I wanted. This included looking on how to improve our systems/workflow, learning more about node.js, and figuring out our systems a little more.

Learning about Node.js

A lot of my time was spent learning Node.js and Vue.js which is something built on top of Node.js. I took notes on it and am looking to put those notes into practice this week as I play with our websites system. When learning about Node.js one of my biggest hurdles to overcome was getting myself to actively take notes. It is always hard to convince myself to take notes, so I was happy that I was able to convince my brain to write notes and learn.

Figuring out the Account’s Systems a little more

I have been trying to learn how the system works a bit more this week. Part of this included figuring out the different ways I can edit files on the jumpbox, After a while of doing this I kept running into problems about permissions and things like that, so that reminded me about my coworkers looking into using Git.

Bringing Git back into the Conversation

Now that I am looking into using Git I decided to bring back up the conversation of transitioning from our current system to Git for sharing code. For this week I now have a meeting with the main programmers on my team to talk about a possible timeline and how we could test out using Git. To prepare for this meeting I made a test repository on Git and started taking notes inside of this repository. I looked around how to use BitBucket and stuff like that that Acxiom uses. Hopefully the meeting goes well.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Go to a lot of meetings
  • Shadow coworkers
  • Improve and Develop New Solutions
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Create a logo for my blog (Might be done? Unsure)
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.
  • Make a D&D website for my current D&D campaign


  • I learned Node.js more in-depth
  • My team uses old systems that feel weird to me
  • I brought Git back into the conversation
  • A meeting has been scheduled to set up a timeline for testing and possibly switching to Git for sharing code