CSCI340 SW Reflection
When working on this project with the rest of the Solar Eclipse team, we ended up doing many important things, learning a lot of skills, and making a ton of progress. When it comes to skills learned, the most important of those would have to be translating ideas into words that our partner would understand. Other skills and talents that were important for working with our partner are the ability to communicate professionally, talent to translate our clients thoughts into manageable chunks, and the ability to know how or to research how to implement such ideas. Throughout this project, I have seen myself reciprocating these skills and talents extremely well. I was ready in every meeting with questions, clarifications, and ideas to be the best team member I could for our client. The Solar Eclipse project aimed to create change by educating people on what an Eclipse was and making them feel invited to participate in the Hendrix 2024 Solar Eclipse party. Feeling included is something that a lot of people need and I think that our website does well to fulfill that need in people. This event will bring a lot of people together, even if only for a little while. Friends will be made, and it will effect people’s lives in one way or another. Overall, none of my values or beliefs have been challenged, but it did help me think more of that sense of togetherness that many long for. In my years to come, I will face many different social, political, environmental, or community issues that I may want to be a part of in fighting for or against. The experience of working on this project has shown me that I can do this in many different ways than just speeches. I can create art and put it for the world to see. This art can be a website or many more things. People can be brought together online, and I can make the place where they can do that. There are databases that can be created to bring people together, or rip them apart. This project was great to work on, I truly felt like I was doing something that would affect the future. We made something that our client was very happy with. I can’t wait to see where this project goes in the future.