less than 1 minute read

What were the easiest parts of the tutorial? I honestly don’t think there where any easy parts.

What were confusing parts of the tutorial? Most of it. It was difficult to do on school Wi-Fi. It would sometimes work and sometimes not. We tried working together and it wouldn’t let me do things to azure. Sometimes commands would work and sometimes they wouldn’t.

How did your team divide up the work? We attempted to all work together in one repository, but none of us could get things working and ended up prioritizing our final. I then tried to go through the tutorial by myself and got it to start working, and even got it up on azure as a website you can visit, but an error occurs when trying to view the DB and no further info is really given.

What communication skills did you build coordinating with your team on a common code base for this lab? Not much. We are just frustrated.

Provide a link to your remote project running on the Azure servers. Here is what I had. It took hours to get it to kind of work up to this point.