3 minute read

Less Stress

This past week has been the least stressful week I’ve had in a while. I really got to focus on my classes and DiscoTray projects with ease. Hopefully things can stay like this. This week I did a good amount of test-work on Cultivating Competencies as well as a little bit of work on the blog. I also changed over to using Visual Studio Code.

Cultivating Competencies

This week I worked on writing ideas and a sample story for a section of Year 1. The transfer of this story from Obsidian to Ren’Py was originally difficult, but this was because I didn’t format everything like I should have in Obsidian. After I noticed this, I took a little bit of time to update the Obsidian repository to have better formatting. I will discuss this more with Ian so that we can determine if I can improve the formatting of the Obsidian files more. However, after I did this, it was much easier to copy and paste the contents of the Obsidian files into Ren’Py with minimal changes here and there.

Visual Studio Code

This week a friend of mine showed me Visual Studio Code, so I decided to try it out and it has greatly improved my workflow. VS Code is a program that has replaced Visual Studio, Atom, IntelliJ, PyCharm, and possibly more on my computer. This freed up a lot of space on my computer and I couldn’t be happier about the switch. I have already used it for my Computing Systems Organization work and now use it to update this blog and to update Cultivating Competencies.


This week I spent a little bit of time updating the blog. This update includes pages to look at my posts grouped by tags and categories as well as updating the tags themselves. For example, I removed the DiscoTrayStudios tag because it is also a category, and I don’t see the point in having both for it. Another addition to the website is the search button at the top-right of the page. When you click this button, it shows up a search bar and allows you to search through every post for any word or phrase. Lastly, I went through every post and fixed anything that is considered bad practice by markdownlint, a plugin for VS Code. I think these are two editions that make my blog feel more whole. In the future, I want to have a better landing page, and make my posts page a different page. On top of this, I want to create a logo for myself that can be located at the top of the screen and improve my “Projects” page to be more like a portfolio.

What’s Next?

  • Talk to Ian about how to better format the Obsidian files
  • Sketch out the full story of Year 1
    • Idea: Year 1 can be the demo we show off once it is complete
  • Start working on some of the WebDev projects
  • Create a better landing page for this blog
  • Separate posts page to be a separate page
  • Create a logo for my blog
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio


  • My week has been less stressful
  • Started on Year 1 in Cultivating Competencies
    • So far sketched out one scene which is a scene about the player meeting their roommate for the first time.
  • Switched over to Visual Studio Code:
    • This replaced Visual Studio, Atom IntelliJ, and PyCharm on my computer
      • Which freed up space
    • I will use this for most, if not all, of my coding needs.
  • Updated blog:
    • Includes tags page
    • Includes categories pages
    • New site-wide search feature