4 minute read

I had a really fun Spring Break! I went camping for the first time and fully relaxed as much as I could. I have been dealing with some mental issues but this week I started attending counseling to hopefully improve. Inspiration was hard to find when working this week, but recently I went back to looking at Climate Goes Political to make the World Map cohesive. This week I also got an email from Acxiom asking for my availability to schedule an interview for an internship. I honestly didn’t expect this email, so it was a pleasant surprise. We shall see if anything is to come from this!

Climate Goes Political

This is where most of my recent work has went. I took the original world map (that is only there for camera panning) and started to make it more cohesive. This included making it to where the cities didn’t look exactly the same everywhere and making sure the different tile-maps didn’t conflict. Making this more cohesive and making each city more distinct from a far away view is challenging, but I am enjoying the challenge. Here are some screenshots of my progress.


Old Climate Goes Political Map


New Climate Goes Political Map

W/Different City & Pollution Levels

New CGP Map w/Dif Levels

The different pollution levels still need to be altered to look better in this view. I also still need to make the cities look more different in each city level because currently I only have the roofs different colors on some stages. As you can see, I added a little civilization on the middle island; the plan is to make different variations of the whole world as well. These should change depending on the world’s pollution, and if it gets too high this civilization is harmed by ocean levels rising. Then, of course, I will need to alter the UI for this new map view. I am planning to have a way to focus on each city.

Cultivating Competencies

I spent a good amount of time looking at both Cultivating Competencies and the Arboretum website, but I didn’t make much progress on either. In Cultivating Competencies I had a bug where it was crashing every time I tried to go from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2. I think Ian has fixed it now, but I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. I tried changing variables to static ints for testing, but the text for Hendrix Today wasn’t pulling from the dictionary. Perhaps this is due to my lack of Python knowledge that I am slowly working on.

Hendrix Arboretum

On the Arboretum website, I tried to put the tree’s on the home page when you select something, but I was blanking out and getting errors, so I moved on to a different project. I spent a good chunk of time combing through how it worked though. Perhaps I can revisit this later.


I forgot to include updates to the blog on the last post! Here are some of the changes that I have implemented and haven’t written about. The primary color has been updated to blue. I feel like this better represents me. There are now a ton of new icons in the footer! I have also made these icons much larger to draw more attention to them. These icons will lead whomever is on this blog to my social medias. Posts are now better organized in my view, so everything is broken up now. I am slowly making the new landing page and all the new pages connected to it. This has included making new assets for the landing page (I don’t think this iteration of them will stay though), and changing the text of them. Some assets I added for the home page are rough drafts of what I want. To see a preview of the page click here. [Edit: This will be the Portfolio Page]

What’s Coming Up?

  • Finish making the Climate Goes Political map cohesive.
    • Make the whole world change depending on different pollution levels.
    • Have the NPC be able to be destroyed by business as usual.
    • Make the cities look even more different on every city level.
  • Help Ian with Cultivating Competencies as needed.
  • Help with the Arboretum website.
  • Make a Guide for Dr. Wright for the Eclipse website.
  • Put the Eclipse website in a Disco Tray Studios repo.
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Create a logo for my blog (Might be done? Unsure)
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • I had a good Spring Break!
  • Climate Goes Political
    • Made the map more cohesive
    • Made the cities different
    • Created a 5th npc city.
  • Cultivating Competencies
    • Ran into a bug, possibly fixed now by Ian
  • Hendrix Arboretum
    • Attempted to get the tress on the main page and initially failed them moved on.
  • Blog
    • Updated the primary color to blue
    • Added new icons to the footer
    • Made the icons larger in the footer
    • Edited secret webpages that are in WIP
    • Reorganized posts to yearly subfolders