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This week was a wild one. We had a meeting with Career Services, I had to reset my computer, and we launched the Good Vibes app. Let’s start with how life has been personally. I had a fun weekend, but I also had a lot of computer problems. My computer was having issues with putting in a pin to login, it wasn’t allowing me to run python programs how they should, and I couldn’t press the '\' key. In order to fix this, I reset my computer while keeping the files on my computer. This was the last thing I tried, and it didn’t quite work, but it seems to be working better. Python programs are now able to run, but the '\' key doesn’t always work, and sometimes the pin will still not work. Overall, at least it is mostly working and is running faster. I did have time with friends this weekend to destress about my computer issues. Also, this week is packed with stuff. On Thursday I have an interview for an internship at Acxiom, from Friday to Saturday I go on the orientation leader retreat, and on Saturday I go to a wedding and end the day with Robots, a Hendrix party.

Cultivating Competencies

This last week we had a meeting with Career Services to show them the Cultivating Competencies game demo to make sure they liked how we were taking the game and gather feedback. They really enjoyed where the game was going, and they proceeded to get really excited over it! We got a lot of useful feedback from them about what we can add, and I can’t wait to continue working on it.

Good Vibes Release

Today we released the Good Vibes app and it went very successfully! We had a lot of people come to the table to download this mood tracking app and had a lot of people say they already downloaded it because of the table tents! I have been pitching it to my friends as well, and they think it’s cool.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Finish making the Climate Goes Political map cohesive.
    • Make the whole world change depending on different pollution levels.
    • Have the NPC be able to be destroyed by business as usual.
    • Make the cities look even more different on every city level.
  • Help Ian with Cultivating Competencies as needed.
  • Help with the Arboretum website.
  • Make a Guide for Dr. Wright for the Eclipse website.
  • Put the Eclipse website in a Disco Tray Studios repo.
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Create a logo for my blog (Might be done? Unsure)
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • We had a meeting with Career Services about Cultivating Competencies
  • I had to reset my computer and thus spent a lot of time reinstalling everything
  • Good Vibes was released