less than 1 minute read

Since the New Year I have been working on finding a new blog theme. The old one just didn’t look good to me and I thought it was time to get something more professional looking.

For reference, here is the old theme:

Old Blog Theme

It took several tries to get a new theme installed because the format of things would change with the change of a theme. Essentially, I had to first fork the theme, change the config and everything else important, and then drag all the files into my blog to replace the old ones. Afterwards, I had to go into each post and change the formatting to match the new theme. Otherwise, the pages would not format right.

Here is the blog now:

New Blog Theme

I am now using the minimal mistakes theme with the neon skin. I like this theme a lot more because it feels less bland, more modern, and more personalized. This blog now feels much more like my blog.