2 minute read

Going to the Snoddy Center to work on things? New Computer!! The plants are doing extremely well.

This past week I bought a MacBook Air M2 because my other computer was giving me too much trouble… I have had to reset it twice this year, the screen was held up by a headband, the battery was terrible, and it was heavy and loud. My new computer has been having much less problems. I am quickly adapting to this new operating system and I’ve actually found myself being more productive.

My plants have been doing so well this week! I have harvested 3 peppers and my potato plants are now above the dirt! I have not had any of the seeds I planted besides my leaf lettuce come up yet. Hopefully that comes up soon. Time blocking is still going well for me, and my mental health is still doing very good!

Cultivating Competencies

We have been working hard to get the new demo out. Each of us has made a lot of progress on our own individual branches, and we will most likely merge it all tomorrow. After we merge it, we can put out the playtest version and I will compile a changelog for Career Services to see. My branch of story includes a sceene that happens if the player reaches a certain level of exhaustion. They then have an inpromptu meeting with their advisor where they ask them what’s been going on. This is because they started doing poorly in their classes due to exhaustion, which can lead to burnout, tiredness, and more.


This past week I have started back up one of my projects, the Git project. It has been a little frustrating because I haven’t been able to fully delete the history that I added on accident. Many logs and temp files were added to the repo on accident and I added the .gitignore after this. I thought I fixed the issue a while back, but then an email chain got started about this issue. Currently, I think most of the issue has been fixed, but only time will tell. If I can’t fully get rid of this history, then I will tell them to delete and recreate the repository.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Heavy Cultivating Competencies work.
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • New Computer
    • MacBook Air M2
  • The plants are doing better!
  • Worked on Cultivating Competencies
  • Started back up on the Acxiom Git project