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This week has been an extremely productive one! I got a ton of homework/projects done. Family weekend was this week. We got out a demo of Cultivating Competencies. I’ve been looking into fixing bugs and stuff found on that demo. My boss had a touch base with me. I am now caught back up with all of my classes. On top of it all, I got to relax!

Cultivating Competencies

In Cultivating Competencies we did a lot of work to make sure that the game could be playtested. We added in Exhaustion, added in more value changes, fixed spellings, and fixed bugs as well. This version is being playtested by ~10 people that aren’t us and they are giving us feedback through a survey at the end. I am also looking at collecting choice data and notorizing the Mac version in time for the game to be fully released into classes. However, only time will tell if I am able to do these things or not.

This week I hope to introduce those things and add in story any place there is a placeholder. Right now there are a lot of those, but we should be able to hammer those out this week.


This week at Acxiom has been pretty smooth. Nothing new to add really besides my touch base that I had with my boss. We talked a bit about the work I am doing at Disco Tray Studios as well as what I will be working on in the team in the future. He is very intent on giving me the experiences that I need and he is glad that I am not overworking myself at work. Additionally, he wants me to send him Cultivating Competencies when we are done with it.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Finish up Cultivating Competencies
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • We delivered another demo of Cultivating Competencies to be playtested
  • All things Cultivating Competencies are being wrapped up
  • I had a good touch base with Andy