1 minute read

These past couple of weeks have been extremely busy. It feels like things are

Tempest Winds

We have been working hard to finish the different scenes, and I have been working on the story of the game. Writing scripts for games, like we did in Cultivating Competencies, feels kind of difficult at times, but I have been trying to just get some basic stuff in so that we can start implementing the simple story to get through the scenes. The polishing of everything can happen more later.

Another thing I did was relearn how to use blender so that I could make a feather to be used in the various scenes as possible clues. It didn’t take too long for me to get something simple that I was happy with.


At Acxiom there has been a lot of work on my internal website. I have been trying to get some file monitoring included in it for us to be able to easily see in one place what files are on time and which are running late.

We also switched one of my tables to start using the production table now that we have a backup system in place. Things are starting to move quickly again! It is a lot of work, but I am enjoying working on this website.

Additionally, I am working on the GitHub project again, and am slowly incorporating it into people’s workflow.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Finish my assigned tasks for Tempest Winds
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • Worked on a room in Tempest Winds
  • Relearned Blender and created a simple feather
  • Worked on the story/script of Tempest Winds
  • Worked a lot on my Internal Website
  • Put the GitHub project back in focus