3 minute read

Allergies! Are! Terrible! This past week or so my allergies have been acting up again, so my eyes have been getting puffy, It’s been hard to breath, hard to get out of bed, etc. This has had an impact on how quickly I’ve been able to do work on stuff and has made me take a lot more breaks than normal. Hopefully these symptoms go away before too long, because I hate feeling like this.

Tempest Winds

These past weeks we have been working on connecting the games to a scene via rooms.

Friend's Room

In this picture you can see how the Friend’s room is looking so far. Currently we have two of one painting, but that’s because those are placeholders. It took a lot of time of me messing around with this room to be happy with the placement of things, and next I will be looking to add a lot of smaller objects and details to fill up this room a little more.

One things that we have been experiencing is a lot of accidental merge conflicts in the scene…. This has caused us to have to redo the same tasks multiple times. We are going to try to avoid this in the future by letting the other person know when we are working on stuff, try to work on things in a separate scene until it needs to be pushed onto the main scene, and more.


This week at work I have been working on figuring out a script that inserts data into a powerpoint via perl. This is something that would be used in weekly powerpoint meetings that happen where the biggest struggle is taking a ton of data from a spreadsheet and putting it into the powerpoint. Currently, I have putting the data into the powerpoint figured out, but the next stage will be automatically zipping that powerpoint back up. It should be working, but I have to figure out why it isn’t. Then I can figure out what how the Excel data extractor works, and actually get it to work. Currently, everything only kind of works, but I am working piece by piece to get it all working as it should. Then this will be something I can actually use in any other part of my life if I want to.

I have also still been making progress on the website these past two weeks, even though it isn’t as much as I have been in the past. This is due to me training someone in website development! It is insane that I am already training people in something that I learned not so long ago. I have been working on developing these skills for myself and now I get to help other people develop these skills. Anytime I start teaching people anything, I go back to when I took a college level Teacher Cadet course in high school. It was extremely useful for understanding how people learn and gave me important strategies and mannerisms that I still use today.

One last thing, I have brought up ideas of other things we can work on putting into the website and people love the ideas! I have been given the go-ahead and will definitely be working on these implementations for the (hopefully) near future.

What’s Coming Up?

  • Finish my assigned tasks for Tempest Winds
  • Continue working on a better landing page for this blog.
  • Change “Projects” page to be a portfolio.
  • Edit all the pages connected to the WIP landing page.


  • Worked on a room in Tempest Winds
  • Experienced the joy of Unity Merge conflicts
  • Trained someone in Website Development
  • Brought to mind a lot of future additions to my team’s internal website